About BSSS

BSSS is non-profit organization founded in Vilnius (Republic of Lithuania) during the Second Baltic Science Conference (April 23-25, 2009).


The aims of BSSS are:

1) To promote the study and development of sport sciences in the Baltic States
(Republic of Estonia, Republic of Latvia, Republic of Lithuania)
2) To enhnce the qulity of doctoral studies (PhD) in the Baltic States.
3) To organize scientific meetings and courses in the field of sport sciences.
4) To cooperate with national and international organizations in sport sciences and related fields.

Leading organizations of the BSSS are:

* Institute of Sport Sciences and Physiotherapy, Faculty of Medicine, University of Tartu, Tartu, Estonia.
* Latvian Academy of Sport Education, Riga, Latvia.
* Lithuanian Sports University, Kaunas, Lithuania.
* Faculty of Sports and Health Education, Lithuanian University of Educational Sciences, Vilnius, Lithuania.

The following bodies govern BSSS:

The President and Vice-presidents will be named by the council of BSSS for a 3-year period from each Baltic State-Republic of Estonia, Republic of Latvia, Republic of Lithuania- by rotation in the presented order.The parts of the President and Vice-presidents are distributed so that all Baltic States is represented.

Council (in total 8 members):

* 2 members from Estonia (named by the Institute of Sport Sciences and Physiotherapy, Faculty of Medicine, University of Tartu)
* 2 members from Latvia (named by Latvian Academy of Sport Education)
* 4 members from Lithuania (2 named by Lithuanian Sports University and 2 named by Lithuanian University of Educational Sciences)
Council meetings are organised two times per year (in January in the country were the next regular conference is organised and during the annual conference).
President of BSSS presents an annual report at the regular conference.
The main events of BSSS are annual conferences. The leading organizations will arrange each spring the Baltic States Sport Sciences Conference.

Aim of the conferences:

* To enhance the quality of sport sciences in the Baltic States.
* To organize a young scientists section during the conference in order to promote PhD studies.
* To invite leading scientists all over the world as key-note speakers.
The administrative language of BSSS is English.
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